Online shopping is on the rise and is set to continue to become the dominant way to purchase our essential goods. Customers now demand a seamless shopping experience.
Jumping on the ecommerce train isn't an easy thing to do, though, and it raises a key point: once a company decides to move to meet a complex demand, it requires a deeper level of automation, which in turn requires a considerable investment in new technology. But which ones are the right or most appropriate?
When an automation vendor tells you, "We have the right technology for your company," always ask yourself the question, "Is this really the right technology or just the technology you can provide?". The recommendation is to focus first on the need of the business, and then select the set of technologies that best fits that need. Datalogic specializes in AutoID products, many of which provide the ideal solution depending on the application. The right solution is one that can adapt to your changing needs.
Download the Solution Brief and discover several practical application examples, from automated pallet identification to automated order fulfillment.
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